Monday, May 17, 2010

A Juilfs "Bully"

We were all together Saturday for Tasha's shower.  CJ and Grayson were sharing Nana's lap.
They started out a little indifferent to each other.
Grayson took a peek at CJ when CJ wasn't looking.
CJ then got a good poke at Grayson and cheered for himself while  Grayson pouts.
CJ aka the bully, goes in for the kill!  He figured he'd give Grayson "Something to cry about!"
I guess his parents haven't taught him about the "no bullying" law in Iowa!!

1 comment:

  1. Boy like father like son. Travis used to beat on Clint with boxing gloves. The only difference is, Clint would lay on the floor laughing and I think it made Travis mad. :)
