Sunday, August 22, 2010

Dakota and Clara

Last week Brittany and the kids came down to Trilby's so Evan could play with the boys. Since she was so close, Clara and I decided to go up there too. This was the first time that I had seen Dakota and Brittany saw Clara. The girls are only a couple weeks apart but Clara is definitely more filled out than Dakota. I didn't get a great picture of them together but here is a couple that I got.
(the pictures aren't doing what I want them to, sorry I can't get them to turn)

1 comment:

  1. What the pictures don't show is Chance beating up on his cousins again. The older boys were off playing and poor Chance was stuck downstairs with the girls. Both Clara and Dakota were minding their own business laying on the blanket when Chance crawled up and smacked Clara in the head with a new toy camera! Big bully!! She didn't really cry a whole lot and Chance just smiled!! It was fun to get everyone together to play. We are going to try to get together later this fall and go swimming at Wasserbahn on a Sunday. We can buy passes at a discounted price. And it will be fun for all the kids. Everyone is welcome to join us!!
