Sunday, February 28, 2010

Family Time

We've had a lot of together time this week as we hang around the hospital and people come and go.  (To find out our schedule this week read my blog.)  Kathy has spent the majority of her time at the hospital, but we've managed to get her out of there every day.  She spent the night the first night, but has stayed at my house every other night except last night when she stayed at the hotel with Clint, Susan, & her boyfriend, Dale.  She'll be back at my house tonight.  We've eaten out WAYYY too much, which is WAYYYY too expensive!  (And I'm tired of it!)  I'm sure Dale has wished us away at times, and in fact, has told people to go!  Kath thinks he's a little cranky at times the past few days.  I think that's good because it means he feels good enough to care!  Brittany has been there every day--sometimes with Rory and Evan, sometimes not. Clint has been there most days, but did go home to do chores for a couple days.  Pat and Harold were there Wed.-Fri.  Dale's aunt and uncle were there Wed. (I forgot which ones.)  Maggie Jesse stopped up the day of surgery too.  Sandy, Nick, and Amanda were there the day of surgery.  Tasha has been there every day, usually two or three visits a day as she can just walk over on her breaks.  She even took lunch on Friday.  Trilby and boys were up last night. Kyle and Tasha were up last night. Mom and I have been there every day.  Bud's been there every day except Wednesday.  So, it's been a revolving door in Dale's room and the waiting room on his floor.  I have to say we haven't had ANY screaming and fighting like the family some of us watched fighting the other day!  (I know emotions run high in those situations, but really!)

Dale has gotten rid of several tubes today. (see Kathy's post) He's been spending some time in his bed and getting more rest.  He looks better every dayl

 I'll leave you with some more photos.  Evan enjoys the elevators and pushing the buttons.  We went on the escalator just for fun!
We had pizza last night at the motel.
The kids (Trilby, Clint, Brittany, Payton, Cael, Nate, and Evan) went swimming.

We watched Evan pout and put himself in time out.
We visited Grayson on Saturday.
And sometimes we just look at smart aleck people!

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